Your Holiday Wellness Survival Guide

Tis’ the season to treat yourself – but how do you do it in a way that keeps you off the naughty list?
It’s easy to get carried away in the excitement of delicious food, good company and big celebrations. Your
pelvic floor health can be affected by overindulgence, disturbed sleep routine, stress, and a lack of
movement. We’re no saints, but we have some advice for keeping yourself in check and balancing
spontaneity with routine over the holidays.



Spoil yourself in moderation

– Don’t throw your routine out of the window – maintain one meal per day from your usual diet to help keep
healthy gut microbes.

– Be mindful of bladder irritants like caffeine, alcohol, carboned drinks and refined sugar.

– Drink plenty of water – according to; women need about 8 cups of water daily to stay
hydrated and promote healthy bodily functions.

Move your way

Movement stimulates the gut. And a stimulated gut helps to foster regular digestion and bowel movements.
You can move your body in any way that feels good for you; it could be gentle stretching with guidance from
an online tutorial, a scenic outdoor stroll, or a slow swim to engage muscles and reduce pressure on the pelvic

Get your shut eye

Stress causes our pelvic floor muscles to tighten, resulting in leakage, sexual dysfunction, and trouble
emptying the bowel and bladder.

For those with little ones, good sleep is a laugh/cry topic. Ask a partner, family member or friend to take the
kids for a couple of hours on a weekly basis so you can enjoy a solid nap. An hour or two of uninterrupted
sleep can be bliss in early motherhood.

The benefits of sleep are endless. Not only does it help you to feel rejuvenated, but it allows for clear thinking,
encourages strong decision-making, and improves your mood. Naturally, these things reduce stress and help
you to relax, improving bladder and bowel regulation, stability of the pelvic floor and sexual function. Good
sleep is also essential for your organs and muscles to heal and repair themselves.

Ensure you get a good night’s rest by maintaining active habits and good nutrition over the holidays.

The daily check-in

It’s no secret that holidays can be stressful. There are in-laws, three too many salads to make, and kids
running wild. A daily self-care routine can help keep you centred and feeling in control.

Breathing is a powerful stress reliever. Imagine a square, and breathe for four seconds on each side until you
create a full shape. Inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and
hold for four seconds. Repeat four times.

To keep your pelvic floor feeling strong, put aside 3 minutes to complete your pelvic floor exercises with
PeriCoach – the training device you can take anywhere. We recommend exercising five times a week, so don’t
get yourself down if you miss a day.

Order your PeriCoach today and feel like yourself again.