Could Kegel Exercise Improve Your Sleep?

Could Kegel Exercise Improve Your Sleep?

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, between 25 and 45 percent of women have bladder control problems to some degree.1 Urinary incontinence can have many negative health effects, beginning with sleep. However, one simple exercise to improve bladder control can improve sleep quality and overall wellness.

How Sleep Affects Whole Body Wellness

Sleep is vitally important for mental and physical health. Lack of quality sleep can result in lasting damage by increasing your risk for chronic illness and decreasing your ability to think clearly, react quickly, and retain what you learn.

All of the above problems can result from a weak bladder that robs you of the sleep you need. If you wake up feeling tired and your partner is also a little grumpy, it could be because you’ve been jumping out of bed all night to run to the bathroom.

While all that running is physical activity, you shouldn’t be sacrificing your sleep or your relationship for it. Even if you are a person who exercises on a regular basis, over time lost sleep can also lead to a higher risk of becoming obese.

Good sleep is critical in order for your organs and muscles to heal and repair themselves. Doing Kegel exercises can strengthen your bladder, ensuring that you get a good night’s rest.

Improve Your Diet for Better Bladder Support

Did you know that you may also be inadvertently irritating your bladder with the foods you eat? Some acid-containing foods like citrus fruit, tomatoes, and apples are known bladder irritants when eaten before bed, which can also stimulate urine production.

Artificial sweeteners, alcohol, and spicy foods can also irritate your bladder, so it’s best to limit your consumption of these foods before bed as well. If you have existing bladder control issues, it might be a good idea to avoid these foods altogether until you’ve begun exercising your body and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles.

improve bladder control

Get Moving

Okay, you’re probably sick of hearing how good exercise is for your health, but did you know it’s also good for your bladder? By moving more throughout the day, you can prevent the fluid buildup in your legs that can lead to annoying overnight bathroom trips.

Another way to get moving involves strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. When these muscles are in good shape, bladder leakage can be significantly reduced and even completely eliminated.

However, in order to achieve a healthy bladder, you’ll need to exercise your pelvic floor muscles properly on a regular basis and also have a way to keep track of your progress. PeriCoach can help you to achieve better bladder control and most importantly better sleep. As a biofeedback device it will allow you to see your progress, which can inspire you to stick with it.

Visit our site to learn more.

