Myths and Misconceptions about Pelvic Floor Muscles

Myths and Misconceptions about Pelvic Floor Muscles

There are some common misconceptions about who can do pelvic floor exercises, which we aim to dispel below.


Myth #1: Men don’t have pelvic floor muscles.

Men do indeed have pelvic floor muscles, which can be trained for improved bladder control, especially after prostate surgery. Men can identify their pelvic floor muscles by stopping the flow of urination midstream or tightening the muscles that prevent the passing of gas.


Myth #2: There’s no improving pelvic floor muscle strength once you’ve had a baby—the damage is done.

In fact, postnatal Kegel exercises can be especially important in managing the urinary incontinence that is common among postnatal women. Pelvic floor exercises can help women of all ages and life stages, pre-and post-childbirth.


pregnant woman

Myth #3: I have limited mobility, so I can’t do Kegel exercises.

It’s a common misconception that pelvic floor exercises must be done on the floor. They can actually be done in any position—standing, sitting, or lying down, and the exercises are quite effective when a person is standing up.


Myth #4: Pelvic floor exercises won’t help me—I’m too old.

Just as you’re never too old for some level of cardiovascular and muscle toning exercise, age is not a barrier when it comes to Kegel exercises. Post-menopausal women and can benefit from pelvic floor exercises just as younger women can, especially when it comes to reducing the incidence of urinary incontinence.

exercise with rubber bands